Phoebe Waller-Bridge Is The Female Powerhouse Gen-Z Needed.

Mary Claire Steven
2 min readFeb 13, 2021

To be completely honest, I think everybody can find a reason to be jealous of Phoebe Waller-Bridge, whether its because you wish your mind was as great as hers or you want to be in a Harry Styles music video or you simply just want to be one of the funniest humans alive.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge is the most beautiful contradiction of our time. Now hear me out. She’s British. Us British folk don't talk about sex or anything that could lead to some sort of embarrassment. Even though, to be clear, there is nothing embarrassing about your sex life. But Miss Waller-Bridge created Fleabag and the reception it received was quite astonishing and if anything, it created a cult following of people who were inherently obsessed with free sexuality entwined with comedy and heart-warming familial moments. So yes, she does it all.

“Back in the day, horny women were to be feared. And now they're given Emmy’s”. Though women are still frowned upon by our patriarchal society for being so open with their sexuality, it is refreshing that Gen-Z and Millenials, the people that will be creating the new world we begin to live in, get to exist in a timeline where Phoebe Waller-Bridge normalises female desire and the portrayal of sexuality through a female lens. She is what we have all been waiting for. Our modern-day Messiah, if you will. I’m sure the hot priest would not be so keen on that statement, nonetheless, I believe it to be true.

Yes, not everything has to be deep and profound and studied in detail and I’m sure there was an abundance of people that watched Fleabag and just thought “Damn, this is funny”. But there is something that feels very comforting about the human aspect of Fleabag. The slightly broken sister relationship, the feeling of disappointing your parents, not having the stereotypical “perfect” adult life. If anything, the human aspect of not being perfect makes the comical moments even funnier because you understand it more. Humour covers pain and it is clear that humour is a key coping mechanism in Fleabag, but it is also extremely comforting to be reminded to laugh at life and Fleabag is kind-of a nudge in the right direction to make light of dark moments in your life.

This has turned out to be some sort of love letter to Phoebe Waller-Bridge and now I’m starting to empathise with Fleabag saying “I love you” to the hot priest and him saying “It will pass”… This is exactly what this feels like.

